"The police are coming too slow now. I would have died. I would have loved you all my life."

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

"she's so cute it hurts"

This is my face, covered in freckles with the occasional spot and some veins
This is my body, covered in skin, and not all of it you can see
And, this, is my mind, it goes over and over the same old lines
And, this, is my brain, it's torturous and anatical thoughts make me go insane

This is my face , I've got a thousand opinions, but not the time to explain
And this is my body and no matter how you try and disable it, yes,i'll still be here
And, this, is my mind, and although you try and infringe, you cannot confine
And, this, is my brain, and even if you try and hold me back there's nothing that you can gain

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