"The police are coming too slow now. I would have died. I would have loved you all my life."

sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

girls, we don't want our hearts to break so it's better to be fake

Rule number one is that you gotta have fun
But baby when you're done you gotta be the first to run
Rule number two: just don't get attached to somebody you could lose
Rule number three: wear a heart on your cheek
But never run your sleeve unless you wanna taste defeat
Rule number four: gotta be looking pure
Kissing goodbye at the door and leave him wanting more
This is how to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like a little danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing lo-lo-lo-love you
At least I think I do.

viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012

Cause the night is your woman and she'll set you free

You're never gonna love me, so what's the use?
What's the point in playing a game you're gonna lose?
What's the point of saying you love me like a friend?
What's the point of saying it's never gonna end?
You're too proud to say you've made a mistake
You're a coward to the end
I don't wanna admit, but we're not gonna fit
No, I'm not the type that you like
Why don't we just pretend?

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

"she's so cute it hurts"

This is my face, covered in freckles with the occasional spot and some veins
This is my body, covered in skin, and not all of it you can see
And, this, is my mind, it goes over and over the same old lines
And, this, is my brain, it's torturous and anatical thoughts make me go insane

This is my face , I've got a thousand opinions, but not the time to explain
And this is my body and no matter how you try and disable it, yes,i'll still be here
And, this, is my mind, and although you try and infringe, you cannot confine
And, this, is my brain, and even if you try and hold me back there's nothing that you can gain

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012


Is there any possibility you'll quit gossiping about me to hide your insecurities?
All you say is "blah, blah"
Girls, they never befriend me, because I fall asleep when they speak of all the calories they eat.
All they say is "na na na na na"
All they say is "na na na na na"

Marina and the Diamonds

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

y si fuera para toda la vida


294dayswithoutyou. lo acepto y lo asumo

Que tengo por castigo el que a partir de ahora cualquier beso que no sea tuyo me vaya a saber amargo, cualquier abrazo, incómodo y cualquier caricia, áspera.
Que sé con pura certeza que nadie va a quererme. Al menos no ni la décima parte de la mitad de un tercio de lo que te he querido yo. Y eso, créeme, ya es mucho querer.
Que ahora toca ser fuerte o al menos parecerlo, porque lo que importa al fin y al cabo es que sigas escondiendo cada lágrima detrás de una falsa sonrisa para complacer al mundo.
Y que, aunque nunca me hayas podido querer como yo lo hice, sé que siempre me has dado mil veces más de lo que merezco. Gracias.

y que no sé como decirte, que te voy a echar de menos

Hace bastante tiempo que no escribes sobre él. Será que no has tenido tiempo. Debías de estar muy ocupada tratando de ocultar el dolor, como siempre. Fingiendo que todo te importa una mierda y siguiendo tu camino solo mirando atrás cuando nadie puede verte, hasta que las situaciones te sobrepasan y explotas.
Sé que te avergüenzas de tanto amor. Será que todo se había vuelto una rutina pero que tú seguías enamorada como una tonta. Será que buscabas el olvido para usarlo como morfina. Será que te conoces demasiado como para saber de antemano que eso no está a tu alcance y que seguirás queriéndole aunque esto te esté destrozando entera por dentro.

sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

I wanna be a bottle blonde
I don't know why but I feel conned
I wanna be an idle teen
I wish I hadn't been so clean
I wanna stay inside all day
I want the world to go away
I want blood, guts and chocolate cake
I wanna be a real fake
Yeah I wish I'd been a teen, teen idle
Wish I'd been a prom queen, fighting for the title
Instead of being sixteen & burning up a bible
Feeling super, super, super suicidal
The wasted years, the wasted youth
The pretty lies, the ugly truth
And the day has come where I have died
Only to find I've come alive
I wanna be a virgin pure
A 21st century whore
I want back my virginity
So I can feel infinity
I wanna drink until I ache
I wanna make a big mistake
I want blood, guts & angel cake
I'm gonna puke it anyway
I wish I wasn't such a narcissist
I wish I didn't really kiss the mirror
When I'm on my own
Oh god! I'm gonna die alone
Adolescence didn't make sense
A little loss of innocence
The ugly years of being a fool
Ain't youth meant to be beautiful?

And my mates are all there trying to calm me down cause I'm shouting your name all over the town

Before the worst
Before we met
Before our hearts decided it's time to love again
Before today
Before too long
Let's try and take it back before it all went wrong

I know I'm drunk but I'll say the words and she'll listen this time. "I'm still in love" but all I heard is nothing.